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Committee of the Board - changes to meeting schedule requirements


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Our current bylaw is cumbersome (very prescriptive) and in many areas out of date (no mention of electronic votes, teleconferences, etc)  and we are well aware that a full review and revision is in order!


Until the they are revised, is there a way to allow for the activities of the Board be more "user-friendly"? For example, according to the Articles, one of our committees needs to meet quarterly, however, in practical terms, meeting biannually is sufficient. Organizing four meetings "because the bylaw says so" when two meetings is really what's needed doesn't make one very popular...


I'm not keen to introduce numerous motions at our AGM to fix some of the practical problems, unless that's the only option. Any advice gratefully received.


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Until the they are revised, is there a way to allow for the activities of the Board be more "user-friendly"?


You can't violate the bylaws, if that is your question.


For example, according to the Articles, one of our committees needs to meet quarterly, however, in practical terms, meeting biannually is sufficient. Organizing four meetings "because the bylaw says so" when two meetings is really what's needed doesn't make one very popular...


If the bylaws require a committee to meet quarterly, it needs to meet quarterly.

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For example, according to the Articles, one of our committees needs to meet quarterly, however, in practical terms, meeting biannually is sufficient. 


If the bylaws require a committee to meet quarterly, it needs to meet quarterly.


"However, in practical terms . . . " if no one shows up then no one shows up. If I had to travel a great distance to attend a quarterly meeting that served no function I'd be inclined to stay home and take my parliamentary lumps. I'm not advocating disobeying the rules but, after sitting at a red light for five minutes, chances are you'll look both ways . . . and drive through it.

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"However, in practical terms . . . " if no one shows up then no one shows up. If I had to travel a great distance to attend a quarterly meeting that served no function I'd be inclined to stay home and take my parliamentary lumps. I'm not advocating disobeying the rules but, after sitting at a red light for five minutes, chances are you'll look both ways . . . and drive through it.


A meeting without a quorum still counts. So if the meeting is properly called and called to order by the chair, it will still satisfy the requirement even if no one else shows up.

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A meeting without a quorum still counts. So if the meeting is properly called and called to order by the chair, it will still satisfy the requirement even if no one else shows up.


Yes. And, of course, it needn't be the chair that calls the meeting to order. Let's hope one of the committee members lives close enough to the meeting location that he can call the meeting to order and then adjourn it during a commercial break in "Law & Order".

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That's an intriguing solution - how would the "meeting" be minuted?


Something like. "The regular meeting of the Far Flung Board of Directors was called to order at 8:45 by Joe Doakes, the only member present. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50." Or words to that effect. There are sample minutes in RONR which are worth reviewing.


Edited to add: And there's no need to put "meeting" in  quotes. It's a legitimate meeting, with or without a quorum present.

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That's an intriguing solution - how would the "meeting" be minuted?


While it is a temporary work-around to your problem, it is definitely not intended to be a long-term or permanent solution. For that you should amend your bylaws to either a) provide for a more workable meeting schedule; or B) remove the meeting schedule from the bylaws and let the committee set their own schedule to meet as needed.

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Something like. "The regular meeting of the Far Flung Board of Directors was called to order at 8:45 by Joe Doakes, the only member present. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting was adjourned at 8:50." Or words to that effect. There are sample minutes in RONR which are worth reviewing.

Edited to add: And there's no need to put "meeting" in quotes. It's a legitimate meeting, with or without a quorum present.

What did Mr. Doakes do for the five minutes? :)
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