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Possible revocation of By-Laws


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Our By-Laws, after amendments are made, are presented to our Board of Trustees for approval.  After accepting said amendments, the new By-Law amendments are subject to review by our membership.  Our membership can vote to veto any or all of the amendments that were adopted by our Board of Trustees.  One of these recently adopted changes the calendar that our BOT is voted into office.  MY QUESTION...if the membership vetoes this amendment, does this "throw out" the existing BOT's?

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One of these recently adopted changes the calendar that our BOT is voted into office.  MY QUESTION...if the membership vetoes this amendment, does this "throw out" the existing BOT's?


If a proposed change to the bylaws isn't adopted the bylaws would remain as they were. Which suggests it's unlikely that failing to adopt a new calendar (by vetoing the proposal) would have any effect on the old current calendar. Or the existing current board.

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If a proposed change to the bylaws isn't adopted the bylaws would remain as they were. Which suggests it's unlikely that failing to adopt a new calendar (by vetoing the proposal) would have any effect on the old current calendar. Or the existing current board.

Perhaps the terms of some or all of the current board members will expire unless the proposed calendar is adopted.

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Guest Debbie McKinney

I am not a parliamentarian. I am on the board of the Woman's Club. We have a By Laws and Standing Rules booklet. Our President wants to change a by law that was put in place many years ago. It states that in order to become a member of the board you must have been a member of the club for one year. She wants to change it to read that anyone new joining our club can be on the board. I find that strange.

Is there a rule about "by laws"..

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