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election of officers when more than one group within complex

Guest jeters2

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We are a condominium/townhouse association.  As such we have 3 Boards; A Board of Directors for the building association; A Board of Trustees for the condominium association; and A Board of Trustees for the townhouse association.  My question is, can a voted in officer of the the board of trustees for the condo assn., also be on the board of directors for the bldg. assn.?  Wouldn't this be considered a conflict of interest?  (We had an officer resign from the board of directors and now have to appoint a resident member to the position for the remainder of the term).


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My question is, can a voted in officer of the the board of trustees for the condo assn., also be on the board of directors for the bldg. assn.?


Same answer: No rule in RONR would prevent it.


That's not to say there might not be other rules or laws which have something to say on the subject. And, as always, if the voters think this is a problem they'll elect someone else.


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