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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Chris Harrison

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Everything posted by Chris Harrison

  1. We can't speak to "legal" but RONR doesn't prohibit the providing of Treasurer's Reports to members and it doesn't sound like your bylaws prohibits it either.
  2. Yes. An introduction by the NAP President. I guess that explains it.
  3. The book I ordered from NAP has the latest copyright in 2001.
  4. If your bylaws don't prohibit it neither will RONR.
  5. I think JJ fell in a "not" hole and that was supposed to be " It should [NOT] be overly difficult..."
  6. Who would have standing to raise the Point of Order? I know normally it would only be the Board members who have any rights in regards to the proceedings. However, since the (Bylaw granted) right to participation was unilaterally denied by the Chair would that then give the non (Board) members the right to object?
  7. Looks like the Copyright has been renewed so no public domain for you. In other words, if you found it online it probably shouldn't have been there. You will need to go to your local library or bookstore to get a copy of it.
  8. Is the Secretary a member of the Executive Committee? If so, then you would follow your bylaws and the Executive Committee would fill the vacancy. After the resignation was accepted previous notice should have been given that the vacancy will be filled the next meeting (RONR p. 575). Also, your bylaws speak of an Executive Committee but in your last response you mentioned an Executive Board. Were you mistaken or there is both an Executive Board and an Executive Committee?
  9. I'm assuming that since you are asking the question that the amendment wasn't considered and voted on by the Board and/or the 10 day notice wasn't given. If that is the case then the amendment is null and void (RONR p. 251 a,e).
  10. Absent language in your bylaws defining what constitutes an "Emergency Meeting" my suspicion is they are merely using another term for a Special Meeting (RONR pp. 91-93). However, it is up to the organization to determine if the bylaws intended for a Special Meeting and "Emergency Meeting" to be synonymous (though if it is determined they are different the bylaws should be amended to make the clarification in order to avoid future confusion).
  11. Though it probably would be a good idea for the Chair to call the member to order or (more diplomatically) "remind" the assembly that members need to be recognized by the Chair in order to make a motion. If the Chair doesn't acknowledge the motion in any way the member may feel that he wasn't heard and restate the motion even louder or get annoyed he is being ignored and cause a further disturbance.
  12. What has been done in previous Annual Membership Meetings?
  13. The best thing I can suggest is you check out FAQ #20. However, it sound like you may be dealing with a Board that has no General Membership who can exert control over them and as far as the Board is concerned it sounds like the foxes are guarding the hen-house.
  14. Since most of what is happening is going on outside of a meeting there unfortunately isn't much RONR will say on the subject. What I would suggest is to find out if there is a body or agency which the Park Board Chairman (and anyone else who is causing issues) answers to and talk to them about your options.
  15. Although we don't have all the details about the hierarchy of your Church (which body is subordinate to which) I suspect the Board (intentionally or unintentionally) is countermanding the Membership's decision which is generally not allowed. A Board member (at a Board meeting) or a member (at a meeting of the General Membership) should raise a Point of Order that the Board's decision to go through with the remodel is null and void. See Official Interpretation 2006-12.
  16. How is the vote taken? Voice vote? Show of hands? Roll Call? Generally speaking though, with one exception, the minutes should not be reflecting who abstained in the first place.
  17. Unless there is evidence that the May meeting adopted the motion with the necessary threshold to Amend Something Previously Adopted it would be null and void per RONR p. 251(b).
  18. Is that allowance actually located in the bylaws? If not you can't do it (RONR pp. 423-424). Same response as above.
  19. No rule in RONR prohibits it. You are making the assumption that all 4 of the subcommittee members were on the same page. One of the members could have been outvoted by the other 3 but if he gets the other 3 Board members on his side the other 3 could be outvoted. Or the other 3 Board members may be able to get one or more of the 4 subcommittee members to change his or her mind. In other words the deck isn't necessarily stacked.
  20. The first question is if your bylaws limit someone to holding a single office at a time? The second question is how are elections conducted (if by ballot are there separate ballots for each office or is every election held in a single ballot)? Those responses may determine the answer to your question. However, also see RONR p. 440 ll. 3-17.
  21. Declined what? Barring any applicable laws those details should be figured out when the group is disbanded (RONR pp. 503-504).
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