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George Mervosh

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Everything posted by George Mervosh

  1. A recording device seems to be the least of this group's issues.
  2. Other than it seems he misunderstands the motion to Lay on the Table http://www.robertsrules.com/faq.html#13 , and that parliamentarians shouldn't be making comments at all regarding the merits of any pending motion (other than advising the chair about procedure, privately), nothing.
  3. No. " An order limiting debate applies not only to the motion(s) on which the limitation is ordered, but also to any debatable subsidiary motions, motions to Reconsider, or debatable appeals that may become pending subsequently while the order is in force." RONR (11th ed.), p. 193.
  4. I don't see why not. You don't need to wait until debate is over. Also, what if you wanted to make a secondary motion? "While debate is in progress, amendments or other secondary (subsidiary, privileged, or incidental) motions can be introduced and disposed of—and can be debated in the process, if they are debatable—as explained on pages 116–18" RONR (11th ed.), p. 386. Therefore, just because the chair is going back and forth in the debate, it doesn't prohibit members from doing other things which are procedurally proper.
  5. "In the event of fire, riot, or other extreme emergency, if the chair believes taking time for a vote on adjourning would be dangerous to those present, he should declare the meeting adjourned—to a suitable time and place for an adjourned meeting (if he is able), or to meet at the call of the chair. " RONR (11th ed.), p. 86 Other than that, no.
  6. Only if the vote was taken by roll call. RONR (11th ed.), pp. 420-422
  7. Unless the vote required to adopt the motion is a vote of a majority of the entire board, yes.
  8. Perhaps. If the member has been properly expelled in accordance with your rules "The only way to reverse an expulsion is to follow whatever procedure is prescribed by the bylaws for admission or reinstatement." (Quoted from RONR (11th ed.), p. 308)
  9. Yes, I don't think there is any implication that a committee cannot vote by ballot as well if they decide to.
  10. There is no rule in RONR that prohibits a committee from adopting a motion to vote by ballot. They may also enter into executive session as well if a greater degree of privacy is desired.
  11. If your interpretation were correct, it's unlikely Mr. Gerber would have posted about that possibility.
  12. Aside from your chairman another problem: " In an ordinary society, the minutes should contain mainly a record of what was done at the meeting, not what was said by the members. The minutes should never reflect the secretary's opinion, favorable or otherwise, on anything said or done." RONR (11th ed.), p. 468. The Secretary needs to stop putting what was said into the minutes. Also: The Secretary can refuse to make changes to the unapproved draft. Once the minutes are approved by the board, those minutes can only be amended by the board. What do you mean by publishing?
  13. It seems the national organizations sees a problem which no one else does, at least based on these facts. Best of luck.
  14. If that meeting was properly called and held according to your bylaws and the board had the authority to accept it, it seems to be a done deal as far as the rules in RONR are concerned. Don't ask us to explain the position of your national organization though. It makes zero sense, at least to me.
  15. Just re-read Mr. Honemann's comment regarding the meeting itself. As far as the resignation is concerned, if no action was taken on it, it might be a moot point if the President changes his mind. http://www.robertsrules.com/faq.html#18
  16. "When the bylaws provide that the president shall be ex officio a member of all committees (or of all committees with the stated exception of those from which the president is best excluded; see pp. 579–80), the president is an ex-officio member who has the right, but not the obligation, to participate in the proceedings of the committees, and he is not counted in determining the number required for a quorum or whether a quorum is present at a meeting. " RONR (11th ed.), p. 497. If another member of the society was also an ex officio member of a committee and the bylaws did provide what is shown above, the other member would count toward a quorum.
  17. When nominations are closed, what is pending that is debatable?
  18. I think the point is, while they're not pending they're not debatable. It might sound a bit hyper-technical if you're moving right into debate after closing them, but I do not think that's the proper way to do it.
  19. John, when nominations are closed, what's there to discuss? The proper time to debate any matter is while it is pending, not afterwards. Once all are identified, but they remain open, I can't see why not. It's also possible to re-open nominations for the sole purpose of debating them.
  20. Nominations are debatable by all members present when it is in order to make them. RONR (11th ed.), tinted pages 18-19, motion 49. Technically there should be no debate by anyone after nominations were completed, including the speeches by the candidates, but nominations should have stayed open until everyone including the candidates had a chance to speak.
  21. RONR does not require the board to distribute the minutes to the membership. "A record of the board's proceedings should be kept by the secretary, just as in any other assembly; these minutes are accessible only to the members of the board unless the board grants permission to a member of the society to inspect them, or unless the society by a two-thirds vote (or the vote of a majority of the total membership, or a majority vote if previous notice is given) orders the board's minutes to be produced and read to the society's assembly. " RONR (11th ed.), p. 487
  22. No matter who is speaking, the rules for decorum must be followed. See RONR (11th ed.), pp. 392-394 The presiding officer should strictly yet fairly enforce these rules.
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