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George Mervosh

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Everything posted by George Mervosh

  1. I'm a professor now? Want to award me a doctorate as well?
  2. As far as the rules in RONR are concerned, non members have no right to be in the meeting room: "A society has the right to determine who may be present at its meetings and to control its hall while meetings are in progress; but all members have the right to attend except in cases where the bylaws provide for the automatic suspension of members who fall in arrears in payment of their dues, or where the society has, by vote and as a penalty imposed for a specific offense, forbidden attendance. " RONR (11th ed. ), p. 644 Also, no rule in RONR grants him any right to demand the meeting be recorded.
  3. At the 2FP that's last call and yeah, we'd actually elect Mickey Mouse at that time of night.
  4. The assembly can re-open nominations in hopes of finding a compromise candidate and if you're voting by ballot (which I'm not sure you are given your opening statement) make sure there's a space for write-ins. It wouldn't be the first time a write-in candidate won. But you must keep trying to complete this election.
  5. Raise a point of order that the standard voting method for motions requiring a majority vote to adopt is a voice vote. If he's uncertain of the result of the voice vote he or another member (if they feel it's too close) can demand a division (a rising vote). Raising hands is fine for a very small body so I don't know if it's appropriate ever in your group. A roll call shouldn't be used unless your rules require it or a motion to take one is adopted. But mixing two different methods isn't a procedure you'll find in RONR.
  6. Oh I'm not willing to bet the farm on it but "Any new business not on the agenda will be at the will of the Voters Assembly." seems like one of those rules that provides for its own suspension.
  7. I think Mr. Tatara wants to know if a preamble is proper in this motion, which is an interesting question since it seems to me like this more of a motion to suspend the rules and take up the matter the maker wants introduced. I don't know the answer to that question.
  8. Aside from not saying you can't throw rocks (I thought it was bricks) at the presiding officer, it also neglects to say the Treasurer can't abscond with all of the society's funds and retire in Tahiti, but maybe in the 12th it will.
  9. Just keep it to 5 minutes per effort like you did in these two threads. We don't want you to be in those meetings too long, you see.
  10. If it was simply a conflicting motion not presented as one to amend something previously adopted, that's where the problem comes in on p. 343. Once a motion to amend something previously adopted is pending, you've overcome the hurdle of what RONR is saying on p. 343. See pp. 74-76. Now, certain procedural mistakes may occur while processing the motion, such as what's described in OI2006-18, but that's another matter.
  11. Here is what RONR says about a public session: A deliberative assembly or committee is normally entitled to determine whether nonmembers may attend or be excluded from its meetings (even when not in executive session). Many public and semipublic bodies, however, are governed by sunshine laws—that is, their meetings must be open to the public. Normally, such laws have no application to private, nongovernmental bodies. In meetings of many public bodies, such as school boards, the public may attend. Similarly, in some private organizations such as church councils, parishioners may be permitted to attend. These attendees are not members of the meeting body and ordinarily have no right to participate. Some bodies, especially public ones, may invite nonmembers to express their views, but this is done under the control of the presiding officer subject to any relevant rules adopted by the body and subject to appeal by a member. Often, by rule or practice, time limits are placed on speakers and relevance is closely monitored. RONR (11th ed.), pp. 96-97 Check with you council's attorney for any rules which may supersede anything said in RONR.
  12. Well now that he's transformed from Donna Summer to Che Guevara we probably should cut him some slack........or (not)
  13. Not paying much attention to Mr. Martin's replies usually causes the mud to turn into quicksand.
  14. If he's a member, yes, but he really shouldn't do that in a regular assembly, as Ed has noted.
  15. The amendment section of the present bylaws should specify exactly what vote is required and what notice is required and any other detail regarding amending them. Have you looked there first?
  16. You can move to rescind (or amend) an adopted main motion which is still applicable. See RONR (11th ed.), p. 305ff for full details including the vote required and a few exceptions.
  17. See http://www.robertsrules.com/faq.html#1
  18. Also the phrase can be found under the motion to suspend the rules and call for the orders of the day.
  19. The answer to both questions is, no, but it's very unusual to have a vacancy in the office of President if you have a VP. If you have one, why aren't they taking over automatically?
  20. So you disagree with Mr. Martin's post where he explained " But if a member controls a majority (let alone 2/3) of the votes, requiring a second for that member’s motions seems absurd." ? And with 2/3 of the votes he can get away with suspending any rule he wants and win all appeals. He's pretty much unstoppable.
  21. If the motion is still applicable, it can be rescinded or amended. See RONR (11th ed.), p. 305ff for the complete details. But that's not re-voting on it. You'll either be proposing to rescind it altogether or change the language in the adopted motion.
  22. As noted above amend can be used to substitute a different version. The moment you rescind the old policy you have no policy for that matter. So have a new one ready to go if you decide to go the rescind route. I'd suggest a careful read of the passage cited including the voting requirements as well.
  23. The current policy can be rescinded and a new one adopted or simply amended by the current board, whichever makes more sense, but you can't just adopt a conflicting motion. "By means of the motions to Rescind and to Amend Something Previously Adopted —which are two forms of one incidental main motion governed by identical rules—the assembly can change an action previously taken or ordered. Rescind—also known as Repeal or Annul—is the motion by which a previous action or order can be canceled or countermanded. The effect of Rescind is to strike out an entire main motion, resolution, order, or rule that has been adopted at some previous time. Amend Something Previously Adopted is the motion that can be used if it is desired to change only a part of the text, or to substitute a different version." See RONR (11th ed.), p. 305ff
  24. "The name of the maker of a main motion should be entered in the minutes, but the name of the seconder should not be entered unless ordered by the assembly." RONR (11th ed.), p. 470 (Just in case Mr. Honemann is busy right now )
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