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Posts posted by Brett

  1. Our social club has nominations for officers at our November general meeting.  Is it permissible under RROO to move at the nomination general meeting, that a single vote be cast by the secretary for all unopposed candidates to be elected?  This would then only require opposed positions on the ballet in December when the elections occur?

  2. 1 hour ago, Shmuel Gerber said:

    The vote requirement in RONR to rescind a previously adopted motion is as follows:

    “except when applied to a constitution, bylaws, or special rules of order, require (a) a two-thirds vote, (b) a majority vote when notice of intent to make the motion, stating the complete substance of the proposed change, has been given at the previous meeting within a quarterly time interval or in the call of the present meeting, or (c) a vote of a majority of the entire membership—any one of which will suffice"

    The "two-thirds vote" of part (a) is two-thirds of the votes cast. The "majority vote when notice …" of part (b) is a majority (more than half) of the votes cast. The "vote of a majority of the entire membership" of part (c) is a majority (more than half) of the number of members in the organization (i.e., the number of members eligible to vote at meetings of the assembly).

    So, if a special meeting is held for the purpose of rescinding the motion, the call of the meeting must state that purpose, and therefore only a majority vote (i.e., more than half the votes cast) will be required. If the motion to Rescind is made at a regular meeting with no previous notice of the motion having been given, then it will be adopted if it attains a two-thirds vote *or* if it attains a vote of a majority of the entire membership.

    So to clarify. If members petition the president for a special meeting to vote on rescinding the vote on Monday, than that would be considered having given notice, even though that intent was not made at the meeting on Monday when the initial vote had been taken?  My interpretation would be that if the notice is not made at the same meeting that the motion passed then it’s not considered having met the qualifications of prior notice to try and rescind the motion and vote, so the bottom line would be that if the new motion is made at either our next scheduled meeting or a specially called and scheduled meeting, then it will require a 2/3 majority to overrule the previous decision?  
    am I right here???

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