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Posts posted by MichelleinMinneapolis

  1. I am trying to figure out when a notetaker needs to take more notes than just the actions that were taken, motions made, etc. If meeting minutes are published on a city website after every meeting, for example, would that be appropriate to ask for the notetaker to write an abstract of the arguments of both sides of the motion? Here's what Robert's Rules Online says about "Minutes to be Published": I'm just not sure if "published" is a specific kind of publication, or if the example I've given is appropriae. 

    "Minutes to be Published. When the minutes are to be published. in addition to the strict record of what is done, as heretofore described. they should contain a list of the speakers on each side of every question, with an abstract of all addresses, if not the addresses in full, when written copies are furnished. In this case the secretary should have an assistant. With some annual conventions it is desired to publish the proceedings in full. In such cases it is necessary to employ a stenographer as assistant to the secretary. Reports of committees should be printed exactly as submitted, the minutes showing what action was taken by the assembly in regard to them; or, they may be printed with all additions in italics and parts struck out enclosed in brackets in which case a note to that effect should precede the report or resolutions. In this way the reader can see exactly what the committee reported and also exactly what the assembly adopted or endorsed."

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