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Guest 1224eagle

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Can a motion be made with 4 parts to it like, 1. I make a motion, 2. I make the motion, 3. I make a motion, 4. I make the motion.

A little more detail would be helpful.

You can say, "I move that 1,2,3, and 4." If they're all related and can be separated, a member can move that they be divided, which requires a second and a majority vote.

If any of 1,2,3 or 4 deal with different subjects, the motion must be divided upon the demand of a single member.

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A little more detail would be helpful.

You can say, "I move that 1,2,3, and 4." If they're all related and can be separated, a member can move that they be divided, which requires a second and a majority vote.

If any of 1,2,3 or 4 deal with different subjects, the motion must be divided upon the demand of a single member.

And it could even be moved (or demanded) to separate out one part, for instance, #3 alone, leaving 1, 2 and 4 still as a combined motion, correct? (Assuming of course it does not create some impossible situation)

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