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Nomination process

Guest Cristina

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Good afternoon,

I am trying to find out whether the Chair of our Executive Committee can bypass his committee members and present a Board of Directors 2012 nominee to the Full Board at their upcoming meeting; or, does he need a motion from the Executive Committee in order to move the nominee to the Full Board for approval?

I appreciate your feedback.

Thank you!


PS: This is a time sensitive topic as the Exec Comm mtg is this Thursday.

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I am trying to find out whether the Chair of our Executive Committee can bypass his committee members and present a Board of Directors 2012 nominee to the Full Board at their upcoming meeting; or, does he need a motion from the Executive Committee in order to move the nominee to the Full Board for approval?

You seem to have a unique approval process for nominations but . . .

As far as RONR is concerned, any member (of the body that is meeting) can make a nomination. There is no other "process". And, typically, nominations (and elections) for positions on the board are the business of the general membership, not the board itself (or the executive committee). As always, your rules may vary.

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The Executive Committee Chair doesn't have the authority under RONR to present the nominees on behalf of the Executive Committee when they don't agree with the nominee. However after the Committee presents its nominees he can present his own nominee from the floor (assuming the bylaws don't specifically prohibit floor nominations).

Note: If the Committee Chair is also the presiding officer in the Board meeting and the Board has more than about a dozen members present he should for the purposes of remaining impartial refrain from making a nomination from the floor and ask some other Board member to do so (assuming that the Board is the correct body to be electing their own).

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