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Report/duties of nominanting committee

Guest LauraR

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Our organization will be holding election this July. There are two positions open and so far three candidates. This is the first time since I've been president that this has happened. Election is by ballot and our bylaws state:

There shall be a nominating committee which shall consist of the Vice-President as Chair and one other member elected by the members at the May meeting.

I'm not who should inform the membership of the candidates running. There will be a meeting one month before the election, but our meetings are seldom attended by all members and it seems that they all should know about this. So is it appropriate for me to e-mail the information to the membership or must the report be given by the membership committee?

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Our organization will be holding election this July. There are two positions open and so far three candidates. This is the first time since I've been president that this has happened. Election is by ballot and our bylaws state:

There shall be a nominating committee which shall consist of the Vice-President as Chair and one other member elected by the members at the May meeting.

I'm not who should inform the membership of the candidates running. There will be a meeting one month before the election, but our meetings are seldom attended by all members and it seems that they all should know about this. So is it appropriate for me to e-mail the information to the membership or must the report be given by the membership committee?

I assume you mean nominating committee.

If the nominating committee plans to recommend (nominate) these three candidates, nothing wrong with letting the membership know of this ahead of time. However, there is no requirement under RONR for the nominating committee to say anything to anyone prior to the actual election meeting. It is expected that the nominating committee will give its report to the membership prior to the election. Nominations from the floor and write-in votes are also allowed (unless specifically prohibited by your bylaws).

As for who should convey information about the candidates ahead of time (keeping in mind that it is not necessary to do so at all), I don't think there's anything wrong with you sending out the information, so long as it is clear that you are simply acting as a neutral conduit for information that the nominating committee wishes to make available to the membership. RONR does strongly recommend that the President not be a member of the nominating committee -- indicating that the President should, preferably, keep hands of the nominating process.

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No harm - indeed it is a good thing -- to keep the members informed of what is going on by any and all means possible.

But... when it comes to the election of folks to those open positions, it will be up to the members present at the election meeting to make the choices. The NomCom will give its formal report at that meeting, the floor will be opened for nominations from the floor, and then the members present will vote. Majority of votes cast is necessary to win so there is a possibility of a three-way split and no election. Then you just vote again.

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I'm not who should inform the membership of the candidates running.

No harm - indeed it is a good thing -- to keep the members informed of what is going on by any and all means possible.

I'm reluctantly going to disagree with Mr. Stackpole (unless I'm misinterpreting his reply). I see no reason why President Laura should interject herself into the electoral process. And I'm not sure how she knows there are only three candidates before the nominating committee has made its report and (presumably) before there have been nominations from the floor. Sure, three people may have indicated (to her alone?) their desire to "run" but there is no official designation in RONR for a "candidate" (or for "running"). So I'd suggest that President Laura let the process run its course.

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