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Disciplinary Actions- Trial Board and Resignation Clarification

Guest Secretary

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A member has been suspended for conduct unbecoming and harassment of another member. A restraining order is in place against this member by the harassed member. A Trial Board session has been scheduled. The harassing member has since submitted their resignation, however it has not been placed before the Membership for a vote. My question is this- does the Trial Board session still need to occur? The resignation is technically "pending" until the Membership approves or denies. What are we required to do at this point?


thank you!

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Well, you're certainly not required to accept the resignation. And you shouldn't if you want to continue the disciplinary proceedings.


On the other hand, maybe you just want to get rid of this member and accepting his resignation would probably be the simplest way to do so.


It's the old "You can't fire me . . . I quit!" scenario.


You might consider the future implications of your decision. For example, will it be easier for him to rejoin at some future date if his resignation is accepted . . . as opposed to him being expelled?



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