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Voting / Auditor

Guest Susie Q

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Good Morning All,


I belong to a private club and have a couple of questions please.


1)  Recently we had our elections.  As a result of the election no one ran for Treasurer and so now we do not have a Treasurer.  At our next meeting in a couple weeks

     the new President will ask for nominations again for Treasurer  My questions is, if there is more than one person nominated can a vote be taken that night by hands

     or do we have to wait until the following meeting to do it by ballot?


2)  Our Auditor was voted in to become a Counsel Member.  Question we have is, would she still be able to be the Auditor or does she have to step down.


I appreciate any answers I can get.

Have a great day

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You need to complete the election for treasurer.  If your bylaws require a ballot vote, then you must have a ballot vote; a show of hands would not be in order.   If you provide previous notice that the election will take place at the your next meeting in a couple of weeks, then you can have the vote at that time.  Since there's no meeting in between now and then, the previous notice can't be given at a meeting, but it can be included in the call (the written announcement) of the next meeting.


RONR does not have a rule that pertains to your situation with the Auditor.  It's up to your organization, and what the bylaws say.

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So, if the bylaws do not require a ballot vote, than a show of hands would be in order?


If you have more than one nominee, you can vote for them one at a time, by voice vote or by show of hands (see RONR, 11th ed., pp. 442-43 for this procedure), but it might be better to vote by ballot (pp. 439-42). Nothing in RONR prevents you from voting by ballot at your next meeting.

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