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Nominations for next years officers at the general Meeting

Guest deborah ryan

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I need to know procedure .

I announce the nominations of next years officers .

I ask for any additional nominations from the floor.

If none, do I ask a vote by acclamation to accept nominations ? 

If accepted , how do I end the meeting ?

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I assume that you're the chair?


If none, do I ask a vote by acclamation to accept nominations ? 


If there is only one nominee for an office and the bylaws do not require a ballot vote (or if they do, but they provide an exception for this case), then no vote is taken at all. You declare the nominee elected by acclamation. Strictly speaking, this should be done for each office separately, but I suppose you could do it for multiple uncontested offices if there is no objection to this.


Conversely, if the bylaws require a ballot vote and do not provide an exception for this case, a ballot vote must be taken.


If accepted , how do I end the meeting ?


So there's no other business scheduled for this meeting? If not, you would then ask if there is any new business. If there is none, you can then declare the meeting adjourned.

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If none, do I ask a vote by acclamation to accept nominations ? 



I'm not sure whether Guest Deborah is asking about electing an uncontested office by acclamation, or about what would be a superfluous motion to specifically accept the nominations. Guest Deborah, can you clarify what you're referring to?

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Isn't this the job of the nominating committee?


Yeah, but the chair should repeat the NomCom's nomination office by office, asking if there are any further nominations from the floor for that office.  Then when that's done, ask for nominations for any of the offices. Then proceed to an election or (possibly) a declaration as noted by the others here.


Perhaps that is what Deb has in mind.

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