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Board meeting question

Guest Anita Paulson

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If an administrative board shall contain 5 members and one of the members recently resigned, can the board still legally function as a board without the required number of members?


Legal questions should be directed to a lawyer. From a parliamentary perspective, yes, so long as the board can meet its quorum requirement.

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Guest Anita Paulson

Thanks.... now one more question... if it is requried that the county judge appoint a new board member to an administrative board with confirmation by the quorum court can the county judge disregard that requirement and appoint on his own?

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Thanks.... now one more question... if it is requried that the county judge appoint a new board member to an administrative board with confirmation by the quorum court can the county judge disregard that requirement and appoint on his own?


If it is required "that the county judge appoint a new board member to an administrative board with confirmation by the quorum court," then it would seem to me that is exactly what is required, and such a requirement cannot be disregarded unless the rules on this subject provide for that.


But it's sounding more and more like you need a lawyer, not a parliamentarian.

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