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Election Results Disclosure

Guest Bob Armstrong

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Guest Bob Armstrong

When electing three new directors from a slate of six candidates, should the announcement of the results include:

  1. just the name of the three winners or,
  2. can it include votes against "A, B, C, etc.", (no names) or,
  3. should it include the names and vote count for each of the six?
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When electing three new directors from a slate of six candidates, should the announcement of the results include:

  1. just the name of the three winners or,
  2. can it include votes against "A, B, C, etc.", (no names) or,
  3. should it include the names and vote count for each of the six?



Elections should never have votes "For/Against" a candidate.   The ballot should include the names of all eligible nominees, as well as a space a write-in for each office/seat.


The report of the tellers should include, for each office, the total number of ballots cast for that office, the number required to elect (a majority thereof, usually), and the vote counts for each candidate. The chair announces the names of those elected as a result.  There should be no count "against" anyone, since the only way to vote against a candidate is to vote for someone else.  A ballot with votes cast for no one (a  blank) is not counted as a ballot cast.  It is an abstention.


All the information from the tellers' report should be entered in the minutes.

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