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When does the nominating committee present the slate

Guest ASH

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I had such a great response to my last question, I have another.


I am chair of the nominating committee of our PTSO (Parent Teacher Student Organization--not a PTA so not a part).  We will likely have a slate to present as we frequently have unopposed elections (if you did not read my last post, this is because of the nominees, not the organization or the nominating committee--if people hear there is an election, they don't want to run).


My question is...when do we present the slate?  Our by laws do not really specify this part.  Do I notify the slated candidates ahead of time?  The president?  The entire executive board?  Or do we just present the slate?  In my reading our our by laws we can accept nominations from the floor as well, so do we nominate the slate, then ask for nominations?

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The nominating committee presents its report when the report is finished. This might be at the meeting at which elections take place or it might be at the preceding meeting. And it's best not to refer to the report as a "slate". It's simply a list of individual candidates nominated for individual offices. Referring to it as a slate can mislead members into thinking they can (or worse, should) vote for "the slate" when, in fact, they're voting for individuals.


After the nominating committee presents its report its work is done. The presiding officer will then ask for nominations "from the floor".

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