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Guest Chris

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I am writing to run by a situation that is occuring with our association By-laws.

In march, as per our by-laws, a slate of nominatied officers were approved by our Exec. Board. Two members who are indiviaually on it - each running for president, has decided to run together as co-presidents. I have no objection of this, but since the time frame is stated in the by-laws and they now want to revise the slate, that we will be voting on in a week, should there be a revision/amendment to the by law regarding how nominations are done.


Is this like a new addition to the slate?


I hope this makes sense.

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Two members who are individually on it - each running for president, has decided to run together as co-presidents. I have no objection of this . . . 


Well, I do.


Unless your bylaws (unwisely) provide for "co-presidents", you can't have them.

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Ok - and if already has nom for VP


Then the voters will decide.  Also, you should not think in terms of a "slate" but perhaps rather a list of individuals nominated for individual offices that will be voted on individually.  Typically, elections are held for offices in the order they are listed in the bylaws.  So, all nominees for President are voted on first, then Vice-President, etc. 


Now, you can't have co-presidents if your bylaws don't define the position as such.  It's also probably a bad idea.  Think of going on a road trip and having co-drivers --- one steering, one working the gas and brakes. 


If Mr. Co-President #2 wants to be part of the leadership, and the members prefer him over the person already nominated for VP, then their votes will decide.

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I am writing to run by a situation that is occuring with our association By-laws.

In march, as per our by-laws, a slate of nominatied officers were approved by our Exec. Board. Two members who are indiviaually on it - each running for president, has decided to run together as co-presidents. I have no objection of this, but since the time frame is stated in the by-laws and they now want to revise the slate, that we will be voting on in a week, should there be a revision/amendment to the by law regarding how nominations are done.


Is this like a new addition to the slate?


I hope this makes sense.

Members can't just "decide" to run together as co-presidents, unless there is a rule in your bylaws to allow it.  It's a terrible idea.

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