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No.  Offices are voted on separately, not as a "slate". 


And the secretary-cast vote is at best an archaic practice, if it ever existed in the first place.


The proper method, for each office where there is only one nominee, would be for the chair to simply announce that the nominee is "elected by acclamation".


However, before you do that you must check your bylaws to see if a ballot vote is required for elections. If it is, with no exception for unopposed candidates, then you must have a ballot vote,and no motion to the contrary is in order, not even by a unanimous vote.


Members can cast write-in votes for other candidates, even if they were not nominated.

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Our HOA by-laws mandate an organizational meeting of directors to elect officers immediately (or within 10 days) after the Annual Homeowners' meeting to elect directors.  However, the bylaws do not specify that Robert's Rules be applied to this meeting, as it does require for regular board meetings.  Do the Rules have a procedure for the nomination and election of officers?  For example, are seconds required for each nomination?  Must each candidate be voted on before another can be nominated?  If no candidate for an office achieves a majority, what are the options?

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