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Emailing article excerpts links

Guest HOABoDMembr

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Is it OK to send FYI excerpts and URLs  of articles to fellow Board Members between meetings? For instance, creating a new scheme to fine violators was on the agenda. I sent an excerpt and URL that said it had been voted down as unconstitutional by the Courts in two other states. Two other articles mentioned that fines didn't really help. And the President had a fit. Was I out of line?

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Is it OK to send FYI excerpts and URLs  of articles to fellow Board Members between meetings? For instance, creating a new scheme to fine violators was on the agenda. I sent an excerpt and URL that said it had been voted down as unconstitutional by the Courts in two other states. Two other articles mentioned that fines didn't really help. And the President had a fit. Was I out of line?


It violates no rule in RONR.


Also, while we can't speak to the legal or practical issues regarding fines, as a parliamentary matter fines cannot be issued unless authorized in the bylaws.

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