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Motion amendment

Guest Barbara Greene

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Only if the proposed amendment is suggested right after the originator has made the motion (that is, said it aloud, having the floor), but before the chair has given the motion to the assembly for its consideration; at which point, the originator has no more say about it than any other member (with a nugatory exception).


N.B.  I said "nugatory" because it always knocks David Foulkes off his chair, he thinks it's off-color.

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Only if the proposed amendment is suggested right after the originator has made the motion (that is, said it aloud, having the floor), but before the chair has given the motion to the assembly for its consideration; at which point, the originator has no more say about it than any other member (with a nugatory exception).


N.B.  I said "nugatory" because it always knocks David Foulkes off his chair, he thinks it's off-color.


I'd unfriend you if that were an option on this forum.  Rather, I am heaving (metaphorical) steaming cobnuts in your general direction.

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Only if the proposed amendment is suggested right after the originator has made the motion (that is, said it aloud, having the floor), but before the chair has given the motion to the assembly for its consideration; at which point, the originator has no more say about it than any other member (with a nugatory exception).


N.B.  I said "nugatory" because it always knocks David Foulkes off his chair, he thinks it's off-color.

I thought nugatory meant: of or pertaining to chewy candy bars.

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