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Asking for the count of an election

Guest J. Loucks

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May dues paying members of an organization governed by an elected council, call for the count on the election results for a new council member?  Two candidates were on the ballot and election irregularities are suspected.  We want to be assured there was a quorum, and we would like disclosure of the number of votes each candidate received.

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May dues paying members of an organization governed by an elected council, call for the count on the election results for a new council member?  Two candidates were on the ballot and election irregularities are suspected.  We want to be assured there was a quorum, and we would like disclosure of the number of votes each candidate received.


If there were a large number of abstentions the vote count might not be nearly as high as the number of members present when the vote was taken (and the latter is what counts).  In addition to Dr. Stackpole's remarks the count is also recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

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May dues paying members of an organization governed by an elected council, call for the count on the election results for a new council member?  Two candidates were on the ballot and election irregularities are suspected.  We want to be assured there was a quorum, and we would like disclosure of the number of votes each candidate received.

There is no need to ask, since the counts of all elections should be provided as a matter of normal procedure.  If that wasn't done, any member can raise a point of order.

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