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Bylaw issue

Guest Kevin

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Are ByLaws state that an Election Committee is to elect 5 members to the committee in October; which occurred, however only 2 members put there names up. We are now having elections for officers. Since we have only 2 members when our ByLaws state 5, some are saying per Robert's Rules this election cannot occur. Can we ask the membership for more volunteers to the committee or do we have to wait until October to have an election for the Election Committee?

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Since we have only 2 members when our ByLaws state 5, some are saying per Robert's Rules this election cannot occur.


Robert's Rules says no such thing.


Can we ask the membership for more volunteers to the committee or do we have to wait until October to have an election for the Election Committee?


The assembly which elects the Election Committee can and should fill the vacancies in that committee as soon as possible (and it shouldn't have waited so long to do so). Even if the vacancies are not filled, however, the committee can still perform its duties.

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The president didn't inform the body until now. I am by no means an expert on RROR but got ask to be the Parliamentarian. I have been reading the 11th edition and trying to learn it. I wish there was somewhere to learn RROR in addition to reading the book.

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The president didn't inform the body until now. I am by no means an expert on RROR but got ask to be the Parliamentarian. I have been reading the 11th edition and trying to learn it. I wish there was somewhere to learn RROR in addition to reading the book.


I think you may be interested in this.

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ANd Kevin, feel free to ask questions here.  You have no need to wait until a problem comes up.


But do, really do, follow Josh Martin's advice and get a copy of RONR - In Brief, and read it.  Right away.  Remember to ask questions whenever you have any.  No charge.  Josh Martin wants to pay me $4.50 an hour.  But I have my standards.

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