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Chair's ability to table or commit items to Committee

Guest Shannon

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Is it proper when a discussion is brought to the floor that is better handled by a committee to debate and bring their suggestions back to a future meeting to be voted on for the Chair to Table To Committee (or Commit/Refer To Committee) or must the Chair only ask for motions to be able to move items to a committee?

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Is it proper when a discussion is brought to the floor that is better handled by a committee to debate and bring their suggestions back to a future meeting to be voted on for the Chair to Table To Committee (or Commit/Refer To Committee) or must the Chair only ask for motions to be able to move items to a committee?


The chair certainly cannot send the motion to a committee on his own authority. If this is a small board (not more than about a dozen members present), however, it is appropriate for the chair to make a motion to Commit or Refer the motion to a committee. Such a motion is debatable, amendable, and requires a majority vote for adoption. There is no such thing as a motion to "Table to Committee."


In a larger assembly, none of the options you have suggested are proper. Another member may make a motion to Commit or Refer, but in order to preserve the appearance of impartiality, the chair should not make such a motion himself nor solicit such a motion from the assembly.

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