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Trying to register

Guest James McLean

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Hi.  I'm trying to become a member, but the system refuses to send me the validation email.

I can sign in, so my chosen username and password seem to have been registered.

I have tried to use the "Resend validation" twice, and it acts as if it has worked.  But nothing arrives in my inbox.

I've double checked the email address in my profile - it looks OK.

I've checked my Spam and Junk folders - nothing in there.


Any clues for me?

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Hi.  I'm trying to become a member, but the system refuses to send me the validation email.

I can sign in, so my chosen username and password seem to have been registered.

I have tried to use the "Resend validation" twice, and it acts as if it has worked.  But nothing arrives in my inbox.

I've double checked the email address in my profile - it looks OK.

I've checked my Spam and Junk folders - nothing in there.


Any clues for me?


I'm stumped. You've tried everything I would have suggested.


I know the Boss Lady can validate accounts manually, so she can help you out if she comes along. (Dan might be able to do that too, but I'm not sure.)



Joined Today, 02:20 PM
If you can sign in I'm not sure what more you want to do.


I'm not positive on this, but I think that a member who has not yet validated can sign in... but they can't actually post or anything.

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Hi James,


I just validated your account. My suspicion is that if you did not get the validation email, it probably went to your spam folder. The other possibliity is that the email address you used is incorrect. In any event, you should be able to log in now. Let me know if you are still having issues.




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Yea!  I can post.  Thanks much.


For what it is worth:

I waited several hours after my first sign-up.  I don't think it was a slow server.

I successfully received around five emails spread over the the time that I was trying to validate.

I've double checked my spam and junk folders, and there still is nothing there from this site.

I've checked my email address in my profile, and it seems to be correct.


I don't know what was going on, but I guess it's moot now.  :-)

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