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One or two meetings?

Guest Confused1

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Church voting on new pastor. Have two seperate services. Do we have to have a joint service to get quorum to vote.Most members attend first,mostly visitors second.Few members in second won't be able to have quorum according to our guidelines. Can we count the total from both and consider as one?

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Do we have to have a joint service to get quorum to vote.


Having a single meeting is probably the best way to do it. It does not have to be held in conjunction with a service. I wouldn't really call this a "joint" meeting because it seems that the members at either service are all members of the same assembly.


Can we count the total from both and consider as one?


No, unless your bylaws so provide. If you read J. J's article on the subject (which Edgar linked to), I think you'll find that trying to do so is much more complicated than it first appears. If it is at all practical to hold a single meeting for this purpose, that is likely the best option.

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