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The sudden death of our Club President

Guest RJCnHarem4

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We are a private organization who are mourning the sudden death of our Club President. According to our by laws, the Vice President succeeds the president, but who succeeds the vacant Vice President role?

Our by laws state that we should reference "Robert's Rules Of Order", but I do not see a chain of command chart or reference to this situation.

We are in a quandary on IF a special election is necessary, OR if the Chairman of the Board is to move into this vacant role? Of course, this would create a special election for another Board member.

Serious input is welcome, thank you... 

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The RONR reference you are looking for is on p. 575, line 6ff.   Somewhat cryptically , those lines say that without any bylaw provisions about non-presidential vacancies, you run an election to fill the vacancy.  P. 467 may also apply, but it is dependent on the powers of your board.  Happy reading!

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If your bylaws contain provisions on how vacancies are filled, you would follow those procedures to appoint a new Vice President, typically for the unexpired remainder of the term.  If your bylaws give the board power to handle the affairs of the society between meetings of the society, that would also cover filling vacancies.


If the bylaws don't authorize anyone else to do it, then whatever body originally elects the VP would hold an election (with previous notice) to fill the vacancy.

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