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In the case of a tie in a vote

Guest John Doe

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In an election meeting two individuals were running for the same position.  After the debate it was put to a vote and there was a tie, 22 votes to 22 votes.  The executive council voted 4:1 in favor of one of the candidates.  I was wondering in what manner the election should be decided?

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You keep on voting until a candidate gets a majority (RONR pp. 439-440).  If there continues to be a deadlock you all might want to reopen nominations and hopefully someone will be nominated that both factions can live with.


I concur.


But I'm still trying to figure out how and why the executive council saw fit to stick its collective nose into this election.

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But I'm still trying to figure out how and why the executive council saw fit to stick its collective nose into this election.

No idea.  However, we see so many times when the Board, Executive Committee, etc think they have more power than they actually do (or the poster thinks they do) maybe John Doe is wondering if the Council's voting 4-1 for a certain candidate makes any difference when there is a tie vote.

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