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Committee refuses to meet at times convenient to all members.


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We have a committee at my church that is refusing to meet at times convenient to all of their members. These member's have requested that the meeting times be moved to times that they can attend. They are unable to be at the meeting because of other church events of which they are in charge. Is there anything in the rules that addresses this?

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We have a committee at my church that is refusing to meet at times convenient to all of their members. These member's have requested that the meeting times be moved to times that they can attend. They are unable to be at the meeting because of other church events of which they are in charge. Is there anything in the rules that addresses this?


Not really.


"When a committee intends to reconvene, it can simply adjourn, or adjourn to meet at a later time. In the first case—when it adjourns without appointing a time for another meeting—the next meeting is held at the call of the chairman, who must ensure that reasonable notice of its time and place is sent to every committee member (see p. 499). In the second case—when it sets an adjourned meeting— notice of the adjourned meeting is not required (although it is desirable to give such notice if feasible), but reasonable efforts must be made to inform absent members of its time and place."  RONR (11th ed.), pp. 501-502


There is no mandate to find a convenient time for all of the members, assuming there even is such a thing.

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Or a majority on the committee is a bloc, and is breezily freezing out the minority opposition.  They might complain to the management, like they do in Russia where President Putin gets all these perfume-soaked letters every day which he reads with his shirt off.


There was no mention of an attempt to freeze the previously occupied members out, but if they all show up once, they may hold the cards as to when the next meeting is held (with shirts on).

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