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New Business corrections....

Guest John

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If an items discussed under New Business is incorrect in the minutes, does it qualify as the rest of the minutes to be corrected if one requests it? Or Is it left as is because it is New Business?

I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but if you keep in mind that the minutes are supposed to be an accurate record of what actually was done at the meeting, regardless of whether what was done was proper, you probably won't go wrong.

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If facts (figures/numbers/dollars) were noted and were wrong. Can they/should they be corrected?


Are these facts and figures part of a motion? If not, they can and should be removed from the minutes, whether they're correct or not. The minutes are a record of what was done, not what was said.


If they are a part of a motion, when exactly did the error occur? Were the correct figures included in the motion, and the Secretary made the error when recording the minutes? If so, the minutes should be corrected.


On the other hand, if the incorrect figures wrere included in the motion, then the minutes are perfectly fine. If you want to fix the figures, you'll need to amend the motion, not the minutes.


Issue is that one is claiming that new business entries do not be corrected.


This claim is nonsense.


The facts should not be in the minutes in the first place, unless they formed part of an adopted motion, in which case you record what was adopted and done, whether it's accurate or not.


Really? Only adopted motions are included in the minutes? :)

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The facts should not be in the minutes in the first place, unless they formed part of an adopted motion, in which case you record what was adopted and done, whether it's accurate or not.


I think what you mean is that you accurately record what was adopted and done, whether it was proper or not. 


And "done" in this case might have been rejecting, postponing, or otherwise disposing of a motion.

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