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PTA and it's sub-committees

Guest K

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Out PTA has by-laws and, at the end, has used the correct verbiage to include Roberts Rules when applicable. The school administration and many PTA executive members, past and present, interpret that the Robert's Rules says that PTA committees (not the executive committee, obviously) can only have 1 Chair each. Some of us argue that Roberts Rules doesn't state anything one way or another. Thoughts?

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Out PTA has by-laws and, at the end, has used the correct verbiage to include Roberts Rules when applicable. The school administration and many PTA executive members, past and present, interpret that the Robert's Rules says that PTA committees (not the executive committee, obviously) can only have 1 Chair each. Some of us argue that Roberts Rules doesn't state anything one way or another. Thoughts?


" The anomalous title "co-chairman" should be avoided, as it causes impossible dilemmas in attempts to share the functions of a single position."  RONR (11th ed.), p. 176

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Out PTA has by-laws and, at the end, has used the correct verbiage to include Roberts Rules when applicable. The school administration and many PTA executive members, past and present, interpret that the Robert's Rules says that PTA committees (not the executive committee, obviously) can only have 1 Chair each. Some of us argue that Roberts Rules doesn't state anything one way or another. Thoughts?


I don't think either is entirely correct. In my opinion, no rule in RONR actually prohibits a committee from having "co-chairs." As noted, however, RONR states that this is a bad idea (a position which I agree with). It's better to have a Chair and a Vice Chair.

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