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President Vacated Position

Guest Magic

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If a organization held their election in February and prior to the officers being installed in March the president elected  is removed from office, what happen to the vacant position?  Do the vice president elect and all other Jr. vices move up?

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As far as RONR is concerned, officers take office upon election, and no installation is required. The president vacating office will result in the 1st VP becoming president, every other VP moving up one slot, and a vacancy needing to be filled in the lowest VP office.

This presupposes that (1) the president was removed from office in the proper manner, and (2) there are no provisions in the bylaws which provide that officers take office at some point later than when the person elected president was removed.

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[Not 7:07 AM]


 ... The president vacating office will result in the 1st VP becoming president, ...


Thomas, doesn't OP Guest_Magic's speaking of "the vice president elect" give you pause?  It gives me the raving squimples.


... every other VP moving up one slot, and a vacancy needing to be filled in the lowest VP office.


THat's not what the book says.


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Mr. Ralph's response looked pretty good to me.


Nuts.  INdeed, I remembered it exactly wrong (p. 458).  My apologies to Thomas, and OP Magic, and anyone else who was misled by my misinformation; thanks to Mr. Honemann for the correction.  And as always thanks to The Ailerons Shoppe for their quick delivery of the replacements for the set I shot off myself.


(I mean my fuselage, George, stop blushing, save it for when you really earn it. )


N.B.  I'm sure I'm thinking of something similar:  if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.


[Trial 1:  It looked like a football, so I called it a car.  It must have been a daffodil.  Silly me.


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Nuts.  INdeed, I remembered it exactly wrong (p. 458).  My apologies to Thomas, and OP Magic, and anyone else who was misled by my misinformation; thanks to Mr. Honemann for the correction.  And as always thanks to The Ailerons Shoppe for their quick delivery of the replacements for the set I shot off myself.


(I mean my fuselage, George, stop blushing, save it for when you really earn it. )


N.B.  I'm sure I'm thinking of something similar:  if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it.


[Trial 1:  It looked like a football, so I called it a car.  It must have been a daffodil.  Silly me.


You may be thinking of the resignation of, say, the 2nd VP.   The remaining VPs do not, in that situation, move anywhere, unless the bylaws so provide.  Only a vacancy in the presidency triggers the music to start playing, and then stop.

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If the President becomes ill and the Vice president moves into Presidency, does that gives the new President the right to make changes and appoint a new Vice Presdient and New Chief Steward without the members approval. Also if the members does not like the New President and New Vice President, they they did not vote into office, then can the members vote to have them removed.

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If the President becomes ill and the Vice president moves into Presidency, does that gives the new President the right to make changes and appoint a new Vice Presdient and New Chief Steward without the members approval.


No, unless the bylaws so provide.


Also if the members does not like the New President and New Vice President, they they did not vote into office, then can the members vote to have them removed.


I'm not sure the new Vice President is validly in office to begin with. Due to the reasons Mr. Novosielski notes, it's not necessarily clear that the new President is validly in office either. If either or both are validly in office and the society wishes to remove them, see FAQ #20.


For future reference, it's generally best to post a new question as a new topic, even if an existing topic is similar.


EDIT: Some corrections have been made thanks to the keen eye of Mr. Novosielski, who noticed facts I had overlooked (that the President may still be in office). The original version of this post assumed that the new President was validly in office.

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If the President becomes ill and the Vice president moves into Presidency, does that gives the new President the right to make changes and appoint a new Vice Presdient and New Chief Steward without the members approval. Also if the members does not like the New President and New Vice President, they they did not vote into office, then can the members vote to have them removed.


The answer depends on your bylaws.  According the the rules in RONR, the VP becomes president when the office of president becomes vacant for any reason.  But RONR does not say that a president who is ill has necessarily vacated the office. 


If the president actually resigns because of illness, the VP becomes president as soon as the resignation is accepted.  The new president would then have the power to appoint a new VP only if your bylaws give the president the power to fill vacancies (without further approval).  That would be unusual.  The more common provision is that the board would appoint people to fill vacancies.  But the only way to determine what your bylaws say is for you to read them.

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