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Suspension of bylaws

Guest Eleven Chase

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Is it allowable for a board with a quorum present to temporarily suspend bylaws in part or in its entirety? ?


The bylaws "cannot be suspended (with the exception of clauses that prvied for their own suspension under specified conditions, or clauses in the nature of rules of order as described on p. 17, lines 22 - 25; see also pp. 263-65, 580-892) [RONR, 11th Ed, p. 13, ll. 5 - 10]"


In its entirety, never.  Notice that instantly you would lose all your officers, for example, and probably all of your members, and your parliamentary authority; if you're at a special meeting, it would be instantly dissolved.  You'd probably forget my birthday while you're at it.


Is it ? Would such a suspension constitute a bylaws amendment which triggers the prior notice provision?


No; how do you see it?

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Is it allowable for a board with a quorum present to temporarily suspend bylaws in part or in its entirety? Would such a suspension constitute a bylaws amendment which triggers the prior notice provision?


Bylaws can't be suspended, except in the very limited cases noted by others.  The entire bylaws can be rescinded by an amendment, if it follows the procedures contained in the bylaws for their own amendment.   If that motion passes, the entire organization ceases to exist.


It doesn't sound like that's what you're going for here.

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