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Motion Made By President

Guest John Sacerdote

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Guest John Sacerdote

We recently had an important vote on moving our monthly meeting location.  The President made the motion that we move tot he new location, it was seconded by another member of the Board.  After proper discussion, it was voted on, 6 yes, with 1 abstention..  The President abstained stating that anyone who makes the motion cannot vote on it.  Is this accurate?  There is nothing in our Bylaws to this affect.  Also, according to our Bylaws, the President can vote (not just in case of a tie).  I am pointedly asking because some of us know that the President did not want this and did not want to go on record as a no vote.  I do understand that you can abstain, but again, is the reason for the abstention correct?

Thanks for the help.

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The President abstained stating that anyone who makes the motion cannot vote on it.  Is this accurate?

No. That's absurd. It's assumed that the maker of a motion is in favor of its adoption and would therefore vote for it (though he's not required to do so).

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The President abstained stating that anyone who makes the motion cannot vote on it.... I am pointedly asking because some of us know that the President did not want this and did not want to go on record as a no vote



And on a side note, if he abstained he is definitely not on record as having voted no.  He didn't vote.

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And on a side note, if he abstained he is definitely not on record as having voted no.  He didn't vote.


I think (perhaps) the president was not in favor of the motion (which makes one wonder why he made it) but didn't want to be on record as voting against it so he abstained (and made up the silly rule about the maker not being allowed to vote).


Perhaps he made the motion following an informal discussion. Or perhaps he thinks there's a rule that says only the president can make motions. He seems like an imaginative guy.


Perhaps Mr. Sacerdote will return with more details. 

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