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Expelling or disciplining a member for misconduct and behavior and disruption

Guest Kelly

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We have a member who has been in conflict wth our PTA board, officer, ideals and principal for years that has recently escalated - this member is combative, aggressive , argumentative and has been a real disruption issue to our meetings the last 4 months. District police had to come to the last meeting as he was not respecting the principal's rules or request to conduct himself appropriately. Our members are fearful as his behavior is erratic and aggressive, attendees from the last months want to get together and sign a petition that we can't conduct business with this person and our entire board is tired of this issue and want him not to be allowed to attend. Is there protection for this PTA as far as discipline or expelling a member from attending meetings?

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And note that it's considerably easier to eject an unruly member from a meeting than it is to remove him from office.


And, just to be clear, is this "member" a member of the board or just a member of the PTA? If the latter, he has no right to attend board meetings (at least as far as RONR is concerned).

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