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Non-binding resolution

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RONR (11th ed.), p. 429, l. 16:  Straw polls are not in order.  Whenever a chair wants to do such a thing, I inform his or her to ask for an advisory vote instead (as in the assembly advising its board).  A resolution is an original main motion, although more formal than an ordinary one.  I cannot find anything in Robert's which would sanction a non-binding resolution.

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Under Roberts, is a non-binding resolution the same as a straw vote? 


It might help if you provide some additional facts about what exactly you mean by a "non-binding resolution."


If the goal is indeed for the assembly to adopt a resolution to attempt to influence or advise some other person or assembly, this is perfectly in order.


But where are advisory votes sanctioned? 


There's nothing in RONR which prohibits it. The type of resolution that Transpower describes is not the same as a straw poll.

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Regarding a non-binding resolution, can a body entertain such a resolution that requests an officer to resign?  


Regarding an advisory opinion, can an officer request a vote of the assembly on a question pertaining to his office without it being ruled a straw vote?  

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Regarding a non-binding resolution, can a body entertain such a resolution that requests an officer to resign?  


Regarding an advisory opinion, can an officer request a vote of the assembly on a question pertaining to his office without it being ruled a straw vote?  


Both of these motions are in order and neither is in the nature of a straw poll.


A straw poll is an attempt to "test the waters" on a motion without taking a final vote on it. If an assembly actually adopts a motion, that is not a straw poll, even if the motion is simply expressing the assembly's opinion on a subject.

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I cannot find anything in Robert's which would sanction a non-binding resolution.


By "sanction" do you mean approve or restrict?


In any event, you won't find anything at all in RONR about non-binding resolutions.

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