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Sitting Board member running for another position

Guest EODTNT1@aol.com

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Guest EODTNT1@aol.com



A "sitting" Board of Directors member wants to "run" for another position on the BoD. Does this BoD member have to resign to challenge for the seat? If he's unsucessful in the vote, would he be out, or retain his origional position?





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A "sitting" Board of Directors member wants to "run" for another position on the BoD. Does this BoD member have to resign to challenge for the seat? If he's unsucessful in the vote, would he be out, or retain his origional position?





More specifics are needed.   Is the seat that the member wants to run for essentially the same office he already has?  Or, are these positions on the BoD actually different offices?

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A "sitting" Board of Directors member wants to "run" for another position on the BoD. Does this BoD member have to resign to challenge for the seat? If he's unsucessful in the vote, would he be out, or retain his origional position?


No, the member does not need to resign, and he retains his original position if he loses.


More specifics are needed.   Is the seat that the member wants to run for essentially the same office he already has?  Or, are these positions on the BoD actually different offices?


I don't think it matters for the purpose of the OP's questions. If the OP had wanted to know whether the member would retain his original position if he won, then it could make a difference.

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Guest EODTNT1@aol.com

This board has 15 Directors / Chairpersons.




All have different areas of responsibility. The challenging Director is attempting to "oust" the other Director.




I would submit that should the challenging Director succeed in ousting the other Director, the President could simply refill the vacated position with the ousted Director, thereby simply changing "titles" but having no effect on the overall BoD.




The President could also choose another person to fill the vacated position thru "appointment" of the now vacant chair.




All this seems to go against the sense of RONR and basic fairness. This causes a fruit salad turnover with no real resolution.




I submit that the challenging Director must be a regular member (not a sitting BoD Chair) to "challenge" for a seat on the BoD. I also submit that there must be equal jeopardy and reward for both candidates.




If the challenging Director can simply go back to a safe position should he lose, then that would be an unfair advantage in the challenge.










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To be blunt about it, "fairness" and what you "submit" should be the case, has no bearing on this.  What matters are the rules in your bylaws.  If you think those rules are "unfair", propose amendments to them that meet your concerns.


As g40 asked, in your bylaws is the president given the authority to fill vacancies on his own?

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All have different areas of responsibility. The challenging Director is attempting to "oust" the other Director. 


If the challenging Director can simply go back to a safe position should he lose, then that would be an unfair advantage in the challenge.




Are you talking about a scheduled election?


You speak of the challenging Director "ousting" the other Director, as though the other Director's term is not up yet, as if some sort of coup by the challenging Director.  RONR has no rules on this.


If this is a scheduled election due to the other Director's term coming to an end, then I submit that requiring only non-sitting members can "challenge" for the position puts all the sitting Directors at a disadvantage, and that isn't fair either.  Per the rules in RONR, when a scheduled election is at hand, all eligible members are.... well, eligible to be considered for a position, including those already holding positions and without endangering their "sitting" status to do so.


Seems to me a few more details about what is really happening here are still needed.

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Thanks for your time and input.


g40 - The President does have the authority to fill any empty / unexpired seat for the remainder of the term.


JDStackpole - The bylaws are silent on this issue. They are being "rewritten" by an attorney but won't be ready for this election.


David A Foulkes - Yes, this is a scheduled election to fill an expiring term.



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Similar question to the above....


Half the board is elected in even-numbered years, half in odd-numbered years.


the bylaws contain the clause that "no one person shall be candidate for more than one position."


This year's (even-number year) positions for election include President and vp and 3 directors.

One of the odd-number-year directors is thinking of wanting to run for either Pres or VP.


If he runs for Pres (for example) and IS already a Director he is then a "candidate" for two positions.


Doesn't this mean he should resign his director position to run for a different position?





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