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President present, but not presiding... BIG issues!!


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long story sort.. Secretary of an association likes to take charge and railroad things. Association isnt well versed enough with their parlimentary procedure to have called him on it and it has went on for far too long. 


Typical meeting is completely ran by secretary (who was not moved to chairmen by any motions ever).. President and Vice President are always present.. 


I have the newest copies of RRO and the In Brief, but am missing how to call a motion to return the president back to the chairmens seat other than moving the association to abide by the bylaws... almost unanimously anyone else could be appointed chair except for secretary. 


There are ALOT more issues with the parli-pro, but this one thing alone will get things back on much more of an even keel temporarily. 


Thanks in advance! 

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Do the members want the President to preside and not the Secretary?  If they do then raise a Point of Order that the President is at the meeting and has the duty to preside not the Secretary (who should stick to his minute taking).  Chances are the Secretary is going to rule the Point Not Well Taken in which case be prepared to Appeal the ruling (see RONR pp. 247-260).  Even if you all are perfectly fine with the Secretary presiding you made your choice who was supposed to preside when you elected the President so you should be enforcing the rules anyway.

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the members do have an issue.. and delegated me to figure out how to beat this guy at his own game.. hes done more than enough other things that it would be almost unamimous to throw his butt out once the ball gets rolling and we get him out of the chair seat and get the meetings back to the order they should be, rather than him just taking charge.. 


he is also a power tripping sherrif deputy who has done some less than savory things to members that have crossed him... everyone is scared of him and he has run the organization into the ground.. 

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he is also a power tripping sherrif deputy who has done some less than savory things to members that have crossed him... everyone is scared of him and he has run the organization into the ground.. 

That can be a problem which is why you all need to be on the same page.  He might try to get retribution for getting kicked out of the chair/office/membership but if all the sudden members start getting into legal (or otherwise) difficulties it is going to look mighty suspicious when you take your case to his boss(es).


can i raise a point of order as soon as he calls the meeting to order? or do i need to wait?

Do it as soon as he calls the meeting to order.  Even if both the President and VP aren't there he has no right to the Chair except for the brief period of time when the members are electing a Chair pro tem (RONR pp. 452-453).

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That can be a problem which is why you all need to be on the same page.  He might try to get retribution for getting kicked out of the chair/office/membership but if all the sudden members start getting into legal (or otherwise) difficulties it is going to look mighty suspicious when you take your case to his boss(es).


Do it as soon as he calls the meeting to order.  Even if both the President and VP aren't there he has no right to the Chair except for the brief period of time when the members are electing a Chair pro tem (RONR pp. 452-453).

 the bolded portion was what i had initally found in my searching... (until i thought it might be a better use of my time to find a forum rather than digging alone).


and yes, he has made it difficult by way of tickets and legal "gossip" that was entirely untrue. that will be easier to deal with, because when/if he pulls people over, they can call dispatch for another officer as there is a grievence between them and they would like an impartial officer.. it would be a strike against him and on the record.. 

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