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Fair and Impartial?

Thomas J O'Brien

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Is there a reference in the New Roberts Rules Book, 11th Edition,  that states the President (Chair) Should be Fair and Impartial. If there is, Please tell what chapter and page I can Find it. I can find where it says, chapter 47 page 449,, "At the same time, any presiding officer will do well to bear in mind that no rules can take the place of tact and common sense on the part of the chairman."

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Is there a reference in the New Roberts Rules Book, 11th Edition,  that states the President (Chair) Should be Fair and Impartial. If there is, Please tell what chapter and page I can Find it. I can find where it says, chapter 47 page 449,, "At the same time, any presiding officer will do well to bear in mind that no rules can take the place of tact and common sense on the part of the chairman."


"While a commanding presence and knowledge are essential in procedural matters, the president of an ordinary deliberative assembly, especially a large one, should, of all the members, have the least to say upon the substance of pending questions. While providing strong leadership, he should be fair."  RONR (11th ed.), p. 456.


"Customs of formality that are followed by the presiding officer and members under parliamentary procedure serve to maintain the chair's necessary position of impartiality and help to preserve an objective and impersonal approach, especially when serious divisions of opinion arise."  RONR (11th ed.), p. 22  though impartiality is mentioned in other places as well.

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