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I belong to an association that wishes to get a minor variance on the local by laws. It went before the committee and the committee evn failed to second the motion of the application, although their was a mover. The room went silent. What happens now? Is this common?

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Sounds as though the "committee"  --  is this a municipal board of some sore?  --  didn't want to touch your zoning variance with a 10 foot you-know-what.  So they just let it die on the vine.   P. 36.


Or perhaps your local municipality laws have something to say about what the committee did (or didn't) do.  Ask a local lawyer for further advice.

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It was a Municipal Committee appointed by Politicians. It appears they may either have done lots of reading or none at all to even debate it.

IT was an incredible waste of time for may people appearing for the hearing. This process has been 2 years in the making and was an incredible dissapoointment for the variance presenters.

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Wait, you mean dealing with politicians can be a waste of time?  You learn something new every day.


But seriously, I'll bet you 100 Serbian dinara that they did not do any reading on the issue.  And bringing it up at a meeting where nobody knows anything about it is likely to evoke exactly that reaction <crickets>.


But there's no need to give up on it.  What you probably need to do is some more groundwork before you try to present it at a formal hearing.  But how to do that is beyond the scope of this forum, and since it's outside of a meeting, way beyond.

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