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The Official RONR Q & A Forums

Disciplinary actions

Guest L Rockwood

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Our board staff has just become aware that the Board Chair has been submitting travel reimbursements for meetings that he did not attend. The Board does not currently have any policies procedures for disciplinary actions except that the bylaws state that a 2/3 vote of the full Board is necessary to remove a member. The Executive board wishes to keep this quiet and give a verbal warning then put a corrective action plan in place (procedures) to limit this from happening in the future. The bylaws state that Roberts rules will be followed except when in conflict with the bylaws. The disciplinary actions in RR seem to be more for misconduct at meetings. Is there any policy in RR that the board would need to follow in these circumstances? Any ethical issues in RR?

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If the Board just wants to give a warning without any other punitive action they can adopt a motion to censure the Board Chair.  As for tightening up the procedures to prevent people for getting reimbursed for attending meetings they didn't attend nothing in RONR would prevent the Board for doing so as long as the bylaws don't give that authority exclusively to the Membership.

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