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Problem with voting

Guest Roro

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We had voting for our school for the executive board,  When reading the nominees there was confusion as to who was running for first vp and second vp.  The winner of the first VP won by more than 3x's the other votes, and now the loser is questioning that their nomination was put in the wrong spot.  Do they have a right to challenge vote after the fact?  If so what needs to be done to have a re- vote?

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Well, add up the total number of votes cast for First Vice President and compare it to the total number of eligible votes at the meeting.  If there were more votes cast than there were members present, then the vote is null and void as obviously more votes were cast then it is possible.  Otherwise it sounds like the winning candidate was popular.

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Otherwise it sounds like the winning candidate was popular.


I thought the problem was that some people thought they were voting for 1st VP when, in fact, they were voting for 2nd VP (or vice versa).


Or that the person who lost the race for 1st VP was actually a candidate for 2nd VP (or vice versa).


In either case, I suspect the time to complain (i.e. raise a point of order) has past.

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When reading the nominees there was confusion as to who was running for first vp and second vp.  The winner of the first VP won by more than 3x's the other votes....


Well, why the confusion wasn't cleared up before voting began is the real question here, and one we can't answer.


Barring a rule to the contrary, members have the right (via write in voting) to vote for whomever they wish, regardless of whether they were nominated for a position.  It seems that, given the chance to elect a 1st VP, they voted for the one they felt best qualified.  It would be fair to assume that even if a revote were taken, Mr. Popular (or perhaps anyone else at all) would still receive more votes than Mr. Sourgrapes.  Perhaps he should ask why that is.

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