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membership while on a LOA

Guest Lisa

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If you are a member in good standing (have paid your dues for this year) of an Association Bargaining Unit  that has By-
Laws stating your Definition is "An organization of all those employed by the Company." and that Membership is "Available to all employed as _______ by the Company", with no distinction, separation or exclusions to people that are on a Leave Of Absence from the company as allowed in their contract with the company, are you no longer a member of that Bargaining Unit?


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If you are a member in good standing (have paid your dues for this year) of an Association Bargaining Unit  that has By-

Laws stating your Definition is "An organization of all those employed by the Company." and that Membership is "Available to all employed as _______ by the Company", with no distinction, separation or exclusions to people that are on a Leave Of Absence from the company as allowed in their contract with the company, are you no longer a member of that Bargaining Unit?



It's ultimately up to your organization to interpret its own bylaws. See RONR, 11th ed., pgs. 588-591 for some Principles of Interpretation. Since this seems to be a union of some sort, there may also be applicable laws involved.


Based solely on what has been posted, however, it would seem that the individual is still a member so long as he is still employed by the company.

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Thanks guys, rep from larger union that we affiliated with tells me, No paycheck from company while on leave, no bargaining unit membership. WTF

That question isn't answered in RONR.  Depending on what state you are in, there are probably labor regulations, statutes, and even court decisions that address who is and who is not covered by the recognition clause in your contract. 


If you have some reason to doubt the advice that the rep told you, ask him (or someone else) where you can find more information on the subject.  It's not in RONR.

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