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President resigned

Guest tramsey

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Our president resigned his position hours before a meeting was called to discuss his conduct. Now he wants to act as ex officio according to our bylaws. Did he leave is good standing since the board was never to discuss their issues with him. Is he still a member of the board as an ex officio or did he resign from all positions?

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Unless your bylaws say otherwise the resignation isn't effective until the assembly1 has accepted it (RONR pp. 289-292).  So he is still President unless the assembly has done something to tacitly accept the resignation such as the VP moving up to become President and the vacancy in the office of VP has been filled.  As for whether he remains as an ex officio member of the Board after resigning (or being removed from office if that is the approach you all want to take) is something you will need to look to your bylaws to answer.


1 The assembly being the body which the bylaws authorize to accept resignations and/or fill vacancies.

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To be clear, "ex-officio" refers to a situation where a person occupies a position by virtue of having some other office. It does not have anything to do with someone who has departed an office retaining a position or board membership.

It does if the bylaws specify that the Immediate Past President is a members of the board and make no exception for a president who resigned or was removed. That's one of the many problems with that sort of provision.

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