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Board does not allow any public comment during an agenda item

Guest Kathy Hay

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Last evening our Condominium Association Board of Directors held a meeting, an agenda was published per Statute.Our bylwas state that teh Board is to follow ROberts Rules when conducting Board meetings.  This meeting was open to the owners, it was not an Executive Session.  Condominium Owners who attended the meeting were told that they could not speak during the specific topcs on the agenda, that they had to hold any questions or comments to the end of the meeting.  This has never been the practice in the past, questions and comments by the owners were always accepted while the topic was being discussed by he Board, prior to any action by the Board.  The Board voted on several of the Agenda items, thereby making any comments at the end of the meeting was irrelevant.  Please advise what section of Roberts Rules we should state that they are not following.

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Unless the relevant statute, or the condominium's own By-laws, state otherwise, the owners have zero rights at a Board meeting.  Thus, even if they are specifically given the right to attend a Board meeting, this does not give them any rights to speak at all.  Only Board members can speak, make motions, vote, etc. at a Board meeting. 


What the Board did was quite legal according to RONR, and goes beyond what RONR requires anyway.

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