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Change to Agenda

Philip Schaedler

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Can the meeting agenda be amended by less than the entire membership of the board of trustees?


Yes.  While it's pending approval, it can be amended by a majority vote.  After its adopted it will take a 2/3 vote, a vote of a majority of the entire board, or unanimous consent, either of which will suffice.

Edited by George Mervosh
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In regards to the agenda, what if an agenda is not given to the members before a meeting


Are you asking what to do if there's no agenda at all or are you asking what to do if there's an agenda but it hasn't been given to the members before the meeting? If the former, see Mr. Lages' reply (#6). If the latter, see FAQ #14.

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I would like to be part of this thread please. I would like the answer to both if possible. I have recently taken office as treasurer/secretary for a small homeowner's association. What if there is no written agenda prior to holding a meeting? And secondly what if there was a written agenda it just didn't get out to members before the meeting? Are votes taken and policies made void in each situation?  Even if there was a quorom at meeting and majority voted to pass changes. Thank you for any clarification.

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According to RONR, an agenda isn't really required.  And if you are given an agenda but don't formally adopt it, it has no binding effect either.  Just follow the regular order of business.


Any votes taken are valid as long as the meeting was properly called and a quorum is present.

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  • 6 years later...
1 hour ago, Guest gordon said:

on a hostile board where a minority agenda item is intended to not be added for discussion, how can that minority topic be included for discussion in the meeting

Guest Gordon, this thread is over six years old. Please repost your question as a new thread by starting a new topic as indicated in the forum instructions. 

Edited by Richard Brown
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