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Membership List Availabilitiy

Guest Tom

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Is it consistent with RR for a board to refuse to give members access to a list of the membership of the organization?


Our board refuses to tell the members who is and who is not a member.


Unless the bylaws give the board exclusive power in this matter, the membership can instruct the board to let members see the list.  The board need not comply with the individual member's request without such an instruction.

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On pages 459 and 460, RONR talks about the right of members to have access to the records, specifically the reports and minutes. In many organizations, the list of members is extracted from the minutes and put in a convenient form, rather than being an official document in and of itself. If that is the case, the membership shouldn't have to tell the board to reveal the information, it is the right of a member to request the information from the secretary of the organization and the secretary has a responsibility to let the member see the records.

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