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Election voting


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Can there be two locations to turn ballots in when voting? The unit has always mailed ballots to one location and had it counted in one location. This year election ballots are being sent to two different post office boxes in different locations. Election judge is being flown to location to count ballots of second location. Decision to do this was made by the current business manager.

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Can there be two locations to turn ballots in when voting? The unit has always mailed ballots to one location and had it counted in one location. This year election ballots are being sent to two different post office boxes in different locations. Election judge is being flown to location to count ballots of second location. Decision to do this was made by the current business manager.


If an organization's bylaws authorize mail-in voting, I see no reason why an organization cannot have ballots sent to two different locations (although I am a bit fuzzy on why this would be necessary or desirable). Whether the Business Manager has the authority to unilaterally institute such a practice in spite of a longstanding custom to the contrary is a very different question, and I'd say the answer is no, unless the organization's rules grant him such authority.

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