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sorry it was late and i didn't say the ED wants the membership to pass a proposed bylaw that lets the board remove another board member "with or without cause" by a majority vote of the board. This new bylaw passed by "her" board would allow her to further control the board and eliminate any opposition by romoving them and appointing "her" people to replace them.

the last time she tried something like this the membership was not allowed to discuss it before the vote. how can i force this discussion before the membership and before we vote. RONR citations would help as we barely voted down her last bylaw to give "her" board new powers. She's hoping to pass a new bylaw that allows the board to change bylaws without a vote of the membership. i am not on the board that's why i want to force the discussion prior to a vote.

thanks for any help.

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As Mr. Honemann pointed out a motion to amend the bylaws is fully debatable. If the chair tries to take the vote prior to discussion, then you should rise and call out "Madam President" or whatever you call her and wait to be recognized. If she lets you have the floor, then all is well and you can discuss the motion. If she fails to recognize you or anyone else, interrupt the chair by calling out, "Point of order!" (p. 247 ff.) Of course, if she is as bad as she sounds, she will declare that the point of order is not well taken. If so, you will need to appeal her ruling (p. 255 ff.). If she still refuses, I would suggest that the next step is to remove her from office.

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She's hoping to pass a new bylaw that allows the board to change bylaws without a vote of the membership.


It still isn't clear:  Can your board amend the bylaws on its own?  That authorization would have to be in your bylaws.


I assume not, since there would then be no need to amend the bylaws to provide for that.

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But I read this back in post #4:


"This new bylaw passed by "her" board would allow her to further control the board and eliminate any opposition by romoving them and appointing "her" people to replace them."


and remained confused. 


Perhaps the board's "passage" was a recommendation to the general membership to actually adopt the amendment.

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thanks all!!

we'll see how it goes in a few hours

sorry again parliamentary language problem

yes, the board passed a recommendaton to the full membership to pass the proposed by-law amendment.

I'll try to be better in the future. I'm sure I'll need more help,

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