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Board Member Leaving Meeting Early

Guest Ron

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My Home Owners Association lists all members present at a meeting, thoses excused, and those absent.  Recently we had a member leave a meeting after aproximately an hour and prior to several important votes.  We still had a quarum, so the votes were valid and the minutes were noted as "passed unnanimously".  Here is the concern - without noting the member left early, the minutes indicate that this person voted in favor of the motion when in fact he did not vote.


Is this information identified in the Roberts Rules Of Order????

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Don't indicate that the motion was "passed unanimously". Simply note that the motion was adopted. Include the vote count only if a counted vote was taken. Include how each member voted only if a roll-call vote was taken.


A unanimous vote is one in which everyone who voted voted the same way. That's the case here but, as you indicate, it's easily misinterpreted to mean that everyone voted the same way. 


In any event, a unanimous vote has no parliamentary significance.

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Thanks for the comment.  We typically indicate Unanimous, 13 yes & 1 no, that sort of thing.  Do you happen to know if Roberts Rules indicate whether attendnace needs to be recorded correctly?



Don't indicate that the motion was "passed unanimously". Simply note that the motion was adopted. Include the vote count only if a counted vote was taken. Include how each member voted only if a roll-call vote was taken.


A unanimous vote is one in which everyone who voted voted the same way. That's the case here but, as you indicate, it's easily misinterpreted to mean that everyone voted the same way. 


In any event, a unanimous vote has no parliamentary significance.


Ok.  I do appreciate the feedback.  But, let’s forget about the "unanimous" thing.  Does anyone know if Roberts Rules discusses a situation where a Board Member is noted as present at roll call, but then leaves part way through the meeting.  I would assume so as it could have a huge impact on future discussion and decisions, etc.  But i cannot find it.  Thanks.

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There is no requirement that attendees be listed in the minutes. As you've observed, it can become problematic if, for instance, a member leaves early. Or arrives late. However if it's your custom then record it as it happens (e.g. "Mr. Jones left at 8:45 pm").


You might want to examine RONR's sample minutes. They're refreshingly brief.

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